Anne Lemnitzer
University of California, Irvine
Research Group
News & Events
2 Journal
Publication Types:
All types ( 81 )
1 Forthcoming (in review) ( 3 )
2 Journal ( 15 )
3 Conference Papers ( 17 )
5 Presentations ( 46 )
Cyclic testing of RC Moment resisting frame beams with openings
2 Journal
Herrera, L., Anacleto, S. and Lemnitzer, A.
Engineering Structures
Publication year: 2017
Soil resistance to lateral harmonic pile motion
2 Journal
Anoyatis, G., Mylonakis, G., and Lemnitzer, A.
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume 87, August 2016, Pages 164–179
Publication year: 2016
Model Verification and Assessment of Shear - Flexure – Interaction in Pile Foundations
2 Journal
Lemnitzer, A., Núñez, E. and Massone, L.M.
Earthquakes & Structures, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2016), 141-163
Publication year: 2016
Dynamic pile impedances for laterally-loaded piles using improved Tajimi and Winkler formulations
2 Journal
Anoyatis, G. and Lemnitzer, A.
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume 92, January 2017, Pages 279-297
Publication year: 2016
Soil-Structure-Interaction of Underground Structures during Large Scale Testing at E-Defense: Data
2 Journal
Lemnitzer, A., Keykhosropour, L., Kawamata, Y., and Towhata, I.
Earthquake Spectra, (accepted 10/7/2016)
Publication year: 2017
Strains and pore pressures during cyclic loading of embankment structures on soft organic soil
2 Journal
Cappa, R., Brandenberg, S. and Lemnitzer, A.
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted 12/9/2016)
Publication year: 2017
Pile response to kinematic loading
2 Journal
Anoyatis, G., and Lemnitzer, A.
Soils and Foundations, Vol. 57 (3)
Publication year: 2017
Lateral performance of full-scale bridge abutment granular backfill
2 Journal
Lemnitzer, A., Ahlberg, E.R., Nigbor, R.L., Shamsabadi, A., Wallace, J.W., Stewart, J.P.
Journal of Geotech. and Geoenv. Eng., ASCE, 135 (4), 506-514
Publication year: 2009
Nonlinear efficiency factors for bored pile group under lateral loading
2 Journal
Lemnitzer, A., Khalili-Tehrani, P., Ahlberg, E.R., Rha, C., Taciroglu, E., Wallace, J.W., Stewart, J.P.
J. Geotech. and Geoenv. Eng., ASCE, 136 (12)
Publication year: 2010
Large Scale Testing of Pile Foundations under Lateral Loading
2 Journal
Lemnitzer, A.
DFI Journal, Vol IV - #2, Dec 2010, Award Paper, Young Professor Paper Competition
Publication year: 2010
2011 Young Professor Research Paper Award Winner: The Influence of RC Nonlinearity on p-y Curves for CIDH Bridge Piers
2 Journal
Massone, L. and Lemnitzer, A.
DFI Journal, Vol 6, #1, pages 33 – 40; May 2012
Publication year: 2011
Nonlinear Load-Deflection Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Drilled Piles in Stiff Clay
2 Journal
Khalili-Tehrani, P., Ahlberg, E., Rha, C. , Lemnitzer, A., Stewart, J.P., Taciroglu, E., Wallace, J.W.
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Mar 2014, Vol. 140, No. 3
Publication year: 2014
Aftershock response of RC buildings in Santiago, Chile, succeeding the magnitude 8.8 Maule earthquake
2 Journal
Lemnitzer, A., Massone, L.M., Skolnik, D.A., de la Llera Martin, J.C., and Wallace, J.W.
Engineering Structures, Volume 76, Pages 324–338
Publication year: 2014
Vacuum pluviation device for achieving saturated sand without backpressure
2 Journal
Yniesta, S., Lemnitzer, A., Cappa, R., and Brandenberg, S.J.
Geotechnical Testing Journal, Volume 3, No. 3, May 2015
Publication year: 2015
Centrifuge Testing of Model Levees atop Peaty Soils : Experimental Data
2 Journal
Lemnitzer, A., Cappa, R., Yniesta, S. and Brandenberg, S.J.
Earthquake Spectra, August 2016, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 1903-1924
Publication year: 2015